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WJ-CLXD001 Vehicle disinfection (ground sensing coil, infrared) host

WJ-CLXD001 Vehicle disinfection (ground sensing coil, infrared) host

  • Cname:High pressure atomization host
  • Views:Times
  • Release date:2024-12-16 08:43:50
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1、 Background reasons:

Vehicle disinfection channels are designed to prevent infectious diseases from affecting livestock farms

Infection of farm animals and plants to vehicles passing through imports and exports

Disinfection equipment has the characteristics of safety, efficiency, and speed.

2、 Function

1. Manual: Set the device to manual mode and disinfect the vehicle according to on-site needs.

2. Automatic: After the vehicle passes through coil induction and infrared induction, spray immediately to disinfect the vehicle.

3. Water shortage protection: In the event of water shortage, the equipment will automatically disconnect the circuit to protect the water pump.

4. Emergency stop: In case of emergency, the emergency stop button can be pressed to protect personnel and equipment.




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